KDK Family Law

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    Mon - Fri : 09:00-17:00

family law

Mediation Style Conference

Considering divorce within the first two years of marriage? Explore legal requirements, exceptions, and emotional support options. Get guidance on obtaining counseling certificates, navigating the Family Law Act, and seeking legal assistance for a smooth transition. Find answers to your questions and empower yourself through informed decisions.

Mediation Style Conference Read More »

Divorce Within 2 Years of Marriage: Requirements, Exceptions, and Legal Insight

Considering divorce within the first two years of marriage? Explore legal requirements, exceptions, and emotional support options. Get guidance on obtaining counseling certificates, navigating the Family Law Act, and seeking legal assistance for a smooth transition. Find answers to your questions and empower yourself through informed decisions.

Divorce Within 2 Years of Marriage: Requirements, Exceptions, and Legal Insight Read More »

Chaban & Chaban (No 2) [2023] FedCFamC1A 118

Where the husband seeks an extension of time to appeal from a superannuation splitting order made by consent in 2021 – Where the husband contends the splitting order is void as the primary judge allegedly failed to determine the value of the parties’ superannuation interest pursuant to s 90XT(2) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) – Where the primary judge implicitly accepted the parties’ agreed value of the superannuation interest was the appropriate method to determine its value – Where, in any event, the husband would need to persuade the Court hearing the appeal that a materially different result favouring him may have ensued – Where there is no adequate explanation for the husband’s delay – Prejudice to the wife – Application dismissed.

Chaban & Chaban (No 2) [2023] FedCFamC1A 118 Read More »